Description of metaGOflow’s data products

Quality filtering step

  • *.fastq.trimmed.fasta files

Filtered .fasta files of the forward (R1) and reverse (R2) reads. Its content strongly depends on the fastp-related Arguments and parameters parameters. A record in a .fasta file consists of 2 parts: a header that always starts with a > and describes the sequence (experiment id, coordinates etc.) and the sequence. Example:

  • .fastq.trimmed.qc_summary files

A report for the number of sequences removed after each trimming/filtering task for the forward and the reverse reads. Example:

Submitted nucleotide sequences      100000
Nucleotide sequences after format-specific filtering        3495
Nucleotide sequences after length filtering 3477
Nucleotide sequences after undetermined bases filtering     3477
  • .merged.fasta file

A .fasta file with the filtered, merged reads; the forward and reverse reads merge into one.

  • *.merged.qc_summary file

Like the .fastq.trimmed.qc_summary file but for the case of the merged reads.

  • fastp.html file

An .html file with visual contents of the quality of both the forward and the reverse and the merged reads. For a thorough description of this file, the reader may watch this video.

  • *merged.unfiltered_fasta file

Often, problematic characters in headers of .fasta and/or .fastq files may appear. In this file, the merged .fastq file has been edited so such characters have been replaced with dashes.


This file is necessary for running the mOTUs package.

Taxonomy inventory step

  • *.merged.motus.tsv file

A three column file with the mOTUs found, their taxonomic assignment and their abundance:

#mOTU       consensus_taxonomy      count
meta_mOTU_v25_13231 k__Archaea|p__Euryarchaeota|c__Euryarchaeota class incertae sedis|o__Euryarchaeota order incertae sedis|f__Euryarchaeota fam. incertae sedis|g__Euryarchaeota gen. incertae sedis|s__uncultured Candidatus Thalassoarchaea euryarchaeote        12
  • RNA-counts file

A file with the number of the LSU and SSU counts on the sample:

LSU count   709
SSU count   475
  • *.merged_LSU.fasta.mseq.gz and *.merged_SSU.fasta.mseq.gz files

Compressed files with rRNA sequences used for taxonomic identification along with their hits and scores. The decompressed files consist of 13 columns with the taxonomy assignment in the last one.

#query      dbhit   bitscore        identity        matches mismatches      gaps    query_start     query_end       dbhit_start     dbhit_end       strand          SILVA
V1:1:HWLTKDRXY:1:2276:10818:25551-1-merged-143-11-LSU_rRNA_eukarya/q53-152  GEAN01107426.394.3747   98      0.9900000095367432      99      1       0       0       100     2246    2346    +               sk__Eukaryota;k__Metazoa;p__Arthropoda;c__Hexanauplia;o__Calanoida;f__Temoridae;g__Eurytemora;s__Eurytemora_affinis
V1:1:HWLTKDRXY:1:2247:17598:35540-1-merged-151-107-LSU_rRNA_bacteria/q1-253 CP000828.5638205.5641084        163     0.8589743375778198      201     32      1       0       233     26      260     +               sk__Bacteria;k__;p__Cyanobacteria;c__;o__Synechococcales
  • *.merged_LSU.fasta.mseq.tsv and *.merged_SSU.fasta.mseq.tsv files

Abundance tables consisting of 4 columns mentioning the OTU id and the taxonomic assignment of each. In addition, the NCBI Taxonomy Id of each assignment is mentioned in the last column.

# Constructed from biom file
# OTU ID    LSU_rRNA        taxonomy        taxid
1039        4.0     sk__Archaea;k__;p__Euryarchaeota;c__Thermoplasmata      183967
3616        46.0    sk__Bacteria    2
30206       2.0     sk__Bacteria;k__;p__Bacteroidetes;c__Bacteroidia        200643
12319       1.0     sk__Bacteria;k__;p__Bacteroidetes;c__Bacteroidia;o__Marinilabiliales;f__Marinifilaceae  1573805
  • *.merged_LSU.fasta.mseq.txt and *.merged_SSU.fasta.mseq.txt files

Like the *.fasta.mseq.tsv files but without the head columns and keeping only the abundance and the taxonomy columns, splitting the latter to its taxonomic levels.

4   sk__Archaea     k__     p__Euryarchaeota        c__Thermoplasmata
46  sk__Bacteria
2   sk__Bacteria    k__     p__Bacteroidetes        c__Bacteroidia
1   sk__Bacteria    k__     p__Bacteroidetes        c__Bacteroidia  o__Marinilabiliales     f__Marinifilaceae

These files are used as input to build the Krona plots.

  • *.fasta.mseq_json.biom files

The output of the MAPseq classification as json in a biom format

  • *.fasta.mseq_json.biom files

The biom format is based on HDF5 to provide the overall structure for the format. HDF5 is a widely supported binary format with native parsers available within many programming languages.

  • krona.html files

A hierarchical visual component of the taxonomic profile based on the LSU and the SSU accordingly.


In this video you may watch a thorough description on how to navigate a Krona plot.

  • Files under the sequence-categorisation folder

A list of compressed .fasta files (usage/sequence-categorisation) of the same notion is returned under the sequence-categorisation folder. Each file consists of the filtered and merged reads of the sample that are related to a specific RNA family.

For example, the tmRNA.RF00023.fasta.gz includes reads that are related to the transfer-messenger RNA (RF00023).

Gene prediction step

  • *.merged_CDS.ffn file

Nucleotide coding sequences in a .fasta format, that correspond to coding genes as returned by FragGeneScan.

  • *.merged_CDS.faa file

Aminoacid coding sequences that correspond to the coding genes in the *.merged_CDS.ffn file.


Functional annotation step

  • *.merged_CDS.I5.tsv.gz file

Main output of the InterPro annotation. A compressed tab separated file consisting of 15 columns. The protein_accession is the id with which the protein can be found in the samples’ reads. In the analysis column, it is mentioned which of the InterProScan analysis the entry is referring to (i.e., Pfam, TIGRFAM, PrositePatterns, ProSiteProfiles). In the go column, the corresponding Gene Ontology term is mentioned, while in the last column (”pathways_annotations”) annotations linked to the original, from resources such as MetaCYC, Reactome etc are mentioned.

protein_accession   sequence_md5_digest     sequence_length analysis        signature_accession     signature_description   start_location  stop_location   score   status  date    accession       description     go      pathways_annotations
SRR1620013.24594-C038EACXX:5:1101:20780:152561-1-merged-101-9_1_108_-       e9cde5b71a9a05b6f5140c51a445a8f4        36      Pfam    PF00742 Homoserine dehydrogenase        3       36      3.3E-10 T       28-04-2023IPR001342     Homoserine dehydrogenase, catalytic     GO:0006520      MetaCyc: PWY-2941|MetaCyc: PWY-2942|MetaCyc: PWY-5097|MetaCyc: PWY-6160|MetaCyc: PWY-6559|MetaCyc: PWY-6562|MetaCyc: PWY-7153|MetaCyc: PWY-7977
  • *.merged.hmm.tsv.gz file

Similarly to the *.merged_CDS.I5.tsv.gz file, this is the main output file of the HMMER annotation. When decompressed, this tab separated files includes the HMM hits of the samples filtered reads to KEGG ORTHOLOGY terms along with their scores.

  • The *.merged.summary.* files

Based on the *.merged.hmm.tsv and the *.merged_CDS.I5.tsv files, a list of summary files are returned including resource-specific information. All of them are 3 column tab separated files, including the annotation id, its description and the number of hits in the samples’ reads.

For example, the first lines of a *.merged.summary.pfam would be:

"26","PF00005","ABC transporter"
"11","PF00012","Hsp70 protein"
"8","PF00133","tRNA synthetases class I (I, L, M and V)"
"7","PF00361","Proton-conducting membrane transporter"

where in the first column is the number of hits, in the second the Pfam id and in the third one its description.

The *.merged.summary.go_slim, *.merged.summary.ips, *.merged.summary.ko and *.merged.emapper.summary.eggnog have the same notion.

  • Files under the stats subfolder in the functional-annotation folder

A list of text files including statistics about the number of matches with each annotation resource. For example,

user@server:~/my_analysis/results/functional-annotation/stats/$ cat ko.stats
Total KO matches    75
Predicted CDS with KO match 75
Reads with KO match 75

Assembly step

  • final.contigs.fa file

A .fasta file where each entry is a contig as returned from MEGAHIT.

Output example

You may find the data products of complete runs of metaGOflow as example outputs, in our Zenodo repo.

Further, on this GitHub pages you may find visual components accompanying the metaGOflow publication. We performed all steps of metaGOflow for an EMO BON marine sediment (ERS14961254) and a water column (ERS14961281) sample. A quality control report, the taxonomic inventories as well as some of the functional annotations returned in each case are displayed there.