Arguments and parameters


metaGOflow has 2 levels where the user sets arguments. Inline, a few technical arguments are provided as described below:

-f                  Forward reads fasta file path (mandatory if and only if -e not used).
-r                  Reverse reads fasta file path (mandatory if and only if -e not used).
-e                  ENA run accession number. Its raw data will be fetched and then analysed (if used, -f and -r should not me set).
-d                  Output directory name (mandatory).
-n                  Name of run and prefix to output files (mandatory).
-s                  Run workflow using Singularity (Docker is the by default container technology). Works as a flag, i.e. by adding -s in your command, Singularity is going to be used.
-u                  ENA username in case of private data.
-k                  ENA password in case of private data.
-b                  Keep tmp folder. Works as flag.

One may have the raw data to be used either already locally or fetch them from ENA. In the first case, the -f and -r arguments are used to provide the forward and the reverse reads correspondingly. In the latter, -f and -r are not to be used and the user may provide the accession id using the -e argument. If and only if private data from ENA are to be used, the used needs to provide his/her credentials to the corresponding ENA account through the -u and -k arguments.

metaGOflow builds a great number of intermediate files that usually require a significant disk space, based on the sample and the steps to be performed. By default it removes all the intermediate files once it’s completed. The user may keep them by using the -b flag.


The steps to be performed in a metaGOflow run and the parameters of the software to be invoked are provided through the config.yml file [url].

metaGOflow does not need to perform all its steps at once; one may run the first n steps. On top of that, it can use the output of previous steps to run the next ones without the need of re-running the first ones.

The steps to be performed are selected by setting True or False the following parameters in the config.yml file.


The intermediate files produced in a complete run of metaGOflow depending on the sample size, may reach 1 TB of storage.


If you want to run only the first steps and at a later point the rest of those, you do not need to use the -b parameter. It is the end products of each step that are required for any following step.

Besides the steps to be performed, a number of parameters to best fit the idiosyncrasy of the sequences to be analysed need to be set as well as, some resources-to-be-used related ones.


We strongly advised user not to use the default arguments without considering first their data and their computing system




Enables adapter sequence auto-detection; by default adapters can be trimmed by overlap analysis


Enables overrepresented sequence analysis


Length of shortest reads to be kept; sequences with a shorter length will be discarded


Forces polyG tail trimming, by default trimming is automatically enabled for Illumina NextSeq/NovaSeq data


Enables overlap analysis which tries to find an overlap of each pair of reads


The quality value that a base is qualified. Default 15 means phred quality >=Q15 is qualified.


Percents of bases allowed to be unqualified (0~100). Default 40 means 40% (int [=40])


Enables the detection of polyG in read tails and trims them


The minimum length to detect overlapped region of PE reads. This will affect overlap analysis based merge, adhttps://apptainer.orgapter trimming and correction. 30 by default. (int [=30])


Moves a sliding window from front to tail, if meet one window with mean quality < threshold, drops the bases in the window and the right part, and then stop.


Minimum length of a contig to be returned

For more information about how the different analysis of fastp is performed, you may have a look at its GitHub repository.

Finally, a number of system related parameters need to be set. These parameters do not affect the final data products but they play a crucial role in the time efficiency of metaGOflow. The size of the sample and the computing resources available need to be taken into account for the best tuning of those.




Memory to run assembly. When 0 < memory < 1, fraction of all available memory of the machine is used, otherwise it specifies the memory in BYTE.


Number of threads to be used in all tasks of the steps to be performed except of the InterProScan


Number of threads to be used for the InterProScan task.


Size of each chunk to which filtered sequences will be split to to perform the cgc_step


Size of each chunk to which the filtered sequences will be split to to perform the InterProScan task


Size of each chunk to which the filtered sequences will be split to to perform the eggNOG task


Size of each chunk to which the filtered sequences will be split to to perform the HMMER task


The chunk size related parameters play a key role in the time efficiency of metaGOflow. Based on the sample to be analysed and the computing environment to be used, the value of chunks may range from a few thousands to millions. In our experience, by setting the protein_chunk_size_hmm and protein_chunk_size_eggnog in a similar value and the protein_chunk_size_IPS 2-3 times higher, we get an efficient performance. Likewise, the interproscan_threads parameter affects critically the performance of the workflow. As a rule of thumb, the user may use the floor of the threads/8 ratio.

Running metaGOflow partially

To use previous data products of a study and run steps not performed in the first place, certain files that were produced (in the first run) are required, based on the steps performed and those to be performed.




Filtered sequences files. Mandatory for running any step after the qc_and_merge_step one; merged pre-processed reads; file suffix: .merged.fasta


Filtered sequences files with cleaned headers. Mandatory for running the taxonomy_inventory step; file suffix: .merged.unfiltered.fasta


Sequence files with hits against covariance model databases. Mandatory for running the functional annotation steps; file suffix: .merged.cmsearch.all.tblout.deoverlapped


Number of the sequences included in the *merged_CDS.faa file. Mandatory for the reads_functional_annotation step; You may get this by running: grep -c ">" <*..merged_CDS.faa>


Mandatory for the functional annotation step; file suffix: .merged_CDS.faa


Forward and reverse files with unmergerd filteres sequences. Mandatory for running the assembly step; file suffix: clean.fastq.trimmed.fasta


Up to now, due to CWL limitations, the config.yml file requires the parameters that point to a file that would be used for a partial run to be non-empty. Thus, we provide these pseudo* files. Remember to always include those in your config file. If these parameters are empty, metaGOflow will fail.

Example of the config.yml file

An example of the config.yml file to perform all the steps.

# Steps to go for
qc_and_merge_step: true
taxonomic_inventory: true
cgc_step: true
reads_functional_annotation: true
assemble: true

# Parameters
threads: 40
interproscan_threads: 5

detect_adapter_for_pe: false
overrepresentation_analysis: false
min_length_required: 108
base_correction: false
cut_right: false
correction: false

memory: 0.9
min-contig-len: 500

cgc_chunk_size: 200
protein_chunk_size_IPS: 1000000
protein_chunk_size_eggnog: 4000000
protein_chunk_size_hmm: 4000000

# Files for running partially
processed_reads: {
class: File,
format: "edam:format_1929",
path:  results/ERR599171.merged.fasta

input_for_motus: {
class: File,
path:  workflows/pseudo_files/pseudo.merged.unfiltered.fasta

maskfile: {
class: File,
path:  results/ERR599171.merged.cmsearch.all.tblout.deoverlapped

count_faa_from_previous_run: 18934897

predicted_faa_from_previous_run: {
class: File,
format: "edam:format_1929",
path:  results/ERR599171.merged_CDS.faa

- class: File
   path:  workflows/pseudo_files/pseudo_1_clean.fastq.trimmed.fasta
- class: File
   path:  workflows/pseudo_files/pseudo_2_clean.fastq.trimmed.fasta